A few years ago, I had a painful experience that I must lived and luckily I was not alone as well as my close family, I had the good fortune to meet my friends. Friends to this day I have the blessing to keep.
Meet? Oh yes, that situations where you are testing can differentiate who is your friend and who is not. Friends are not only in the joys but also in times of confusion, disorientation, problems, nightmares and loneliness. They are who will help you carry that heavy load at that time you may be need it.
I know, we live and different places and circles of society at once, such as college, work, or even our school. So as friends of various circles are very difficult to integrate. That is not required to do it, but to spend time with them, it is. Now with all the technology, a mail, phone message, a video call can be helpful alternatives to keep in contact.
Cultivate your friendships, become interested in them, talk about their dreams, goals, worries, fears, you will see that as the years pass, all that now seems very confuse, the lived experience and life will teach you and all will become a pleasant memory. The best thing is that, that remember will be not only yours but also your friend’s or friends’ in common too. Tell me isn’t that great?
Perhaps a trip will help you and your friends to get closer, a camp or a holiday. If you are just men, the first thing that comes to my mind is a trip for hiking or extreme sports; who knows, adrenaline might have a positive effect! And if you are just girls travel to a relaxing place where pampered and puffed up, could be the better.
And indeed, any reason is good; tell them how much you appreciate to be part of your life, how important they are for you and how lucky you feel because you found them. Believe me, that kind of friendship will be your treasure.
and you, how do you keep your friends?